Our proprietary tools and resources can help you apply your knowledge, validate your trading and investing decisions, and accelerate your learning curve..
Trade Tiger - An advanced yet easy-to-use trading and investing platform that has been tested by many veteran traders offers a plethora of functions! You can;
A Powerful tool built for options traders that tells you how cheap or expensive the options premiums are at any given point in time for a particular stock and ascertain the options volatility of that stock before buying or selling options.
With IV Scanner you can find out whether stock options premium are cheap or expensive at the click of a button and plan options strategies.
Have a strategy in mind? Just input the strategy in our “Portfolio Greek Watch“ & the tool will automatically estimate your max loss, max profit, and breakeven. No more tedious manual calculations!
Analyse the dynamic options chain data during market hours with options chain. It tells you the key levels in the market to watch on a particular day & where the ‘Open Interest’ is added or reduced.
Trade Zone Identifier helps you decide what quantity of a stock to buy or sell when initiating a trade based on the risk you take. Control your risk, maximize your reward!
Have a problem in picking the right stocks for Intraday or Swing trading? Our scanner makes the job of filtering out the quality stocks to trade easier for you. You can also customise the scanner as per your requirements.
Risk management is one of the key components of successful trading, and one of its aspects is position sizing. Our position sizing tool helps you decide what quantity to buy or sell when initiating a trade based on the risk you take. Control your risk, maximize your reward!
Experts often say, “Be greedy when others are fearful & be fearful when others are greedy” but how does one do that? Our Proactive Investing (PAI) indicator tool tells you just how cheap or expensive a stock is, captures important reversals points and helps you time the market more efficiently.
Wondering which stocks to invest in? Our PAI scanning tool gives a list of stocks that are available at cheap valuations at the click of a mouse. Combine these stocks with our TZI tool to enhance your odds.